- "Hiring Agile Leaders" (2020) Noblis Agile Corner
- "Build a House, Build a Car: An Interactive Set of Games to Introduce User Stories and Requirements" (2019) Agile DC - Business Agility Track
- "Agile for Infrastructure" (2016) Noblis Agile Corner
- "Ghosts in our Machines: How Sci-Fi Has Contributed to Our Understanding of the Mind and Our Interaction With Technology." (2013) ThinkGeek HQ
- "Bathrooms and Beyond (the Dark Portal): Conducting Student Ethnographies in Non-conventional Locales." (2009) Anthropology Alumni Panel. Franklin Pierce University (Also served as Chair of the panel)
- "Going to See a Man about a Horse: Examining Masculinity and Public Space in the Restroom." (2009) 108th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association
- "Outage." (2016) In, DC Fiction. Amanda Milligan, ed.
- "A Day at a Time." (2014) In, The Rejected Writer, Issue #2. Jon Dittman, ed. The Rejected Writer.
- "Welcome to N'Awlins." (2013) In, New Orleans by Gaslight. Brandon Black, ed. Black Tome Books.
- Resume writing & editing
- Government contract proposals & recompetes
- Research proposal writing & editing
- Speech writing